Prologue Comic!

We made a comic*!

This zine was made on occasion of the Game Center Spring 2024 Showcase and distributed in limited edition** at the venue. It was Riso-printed and published by the excellent Brooklyn-based artist-run independent publishing initiative TXTbooks. The story starts a year or so prior to Growth Spurt: A Meandering Intermission into the Aftermaths of a Miscalculation and ends right where the game picks up. It is a required reading before you play the game (if you have already played Growth Spurt: A Meandering Intermission into the Aftermaths of a Miscalculation, please play it again after you read the comic!). Please enjoy learning more about how Nour's crush on Crush seeded, sprouted, and bloomed over time!

* : See also graphic novel, zine, non-interactive*** visual fiction, etc.
**: Fun fact! There are only about 100 copies of Big Time Crushing: Growth Spurt Prologue.
*** : Controversial. Some would consider all media interactive by virtue of what the audience brings into it and how they view it.


GrowthSpurtPrologue.pdf 3.9 MB
4 days ago

Get Growth Spurt: A Meandering Intermission into the Afterhours of a Miscalculation

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